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Louise Gonzales

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  • Created By : Louise Gonzales
  • Created Date : 2021-08-10 06:11:10
  • Total Signatures : 1
Petitions Home » Browse Petitions » Save Youth Sports

Save Youth Sports

The covid-19 pandemic has had a catastrophic effect on youth sports. The United States has over 6.5 million coaches and 45 million athletes participating.  The presence of youth sports in our society is necessary to help mold our youth into responsible young adults by teaching character, determination, and good work ethic. These life skills will help pave the way for our youth to become responsible adults. 

<span class="user_name">Louise Gonzales</span><img data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="Verified" src="" alt="" class="verified_icon" width="14px">

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The current CARES act passed to help protect businesses during this crisis will not significantly allow for our programs to be viable if we do not have more support.  Most youth sports programs around the country have been mandated shut.  We have closed our doors to athletes with little notice and we are still required to pay rent/mortgage, secure payroll, and maintain our bills without a means of generating revenues.  The current bill passed by congress will help with finances for eight weeks, however, the road to recovery will be long and the resurgence of kids in youth sports is projected to be slow.  Without a mandated request from our government, youth sports programs will either fail or succeed based on landlords and banks willing to help with funding to get through the slow rebuild. This is a travesty for our country and we are asking for a seat at the table when negotiating a new bill to support our youth. Please help us keep our coaches employed, doors open, and dreams alive.