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Louise Gonzales

Cool and humble good looking

  • Created By : Louise Gonzales
  • Created Date : 2021-08-10 05:46:19
  • Total Signatures : 1
Petitions Home » Browse Petitions » Close shopping malls IMMEDIATELY to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Close shopping malls IMMEDIATELY to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, I believe our government should take further action and close all shopping centres in Ontario. We need to understand that social distancing is very important and all of us need to work together to stop the spread of Coronavirus.

<span class="user_name">Louise Gonzales</span><img data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="Verified" src="" alt="" class="verified_icon" width="14px">

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Hello Sandra Kingsley,


Despite assurances, I have never experienced so much fear and anxiety in my life as I feel now about the COVID-19 pandemic (Page 1, “No community transmission of coronavirus, says Centre”, March 22). I am 84, and have seen disasters like the tsunami, floods after tanks have breached, and epidemics such as cholera. But COVID-19 has made them all insignificant. It is unsettling that cases are galloping. With no vaccine in sight in the foreseeable future, people have to be very conscious not to create problems as far as the infection transmission cycle is concerned. There was curfew during the world wars to safeguard ourselves from enemy’s attack. Now, a 14-hour lockdown has to be thought of to try and help safeguard ourselves from a pandemic.

D. Sethuraman,